General Assembly

Kingsport , TN April 29, 2017

The General Assembly of the Tennessee Society of Medical Assistants was called to by order the Speaker of the General Assembly Pro Tem, Monica Case, CMA (AAMA) at 1:19 pm.

The invocation was given by Rita Neeley, (CMA) AAMA.

Roll call was taken by Dawn Alter, CMA (AAMA), AAS.

The report of the Credentials was given by Karmon Kingsley, CMA (AAMA) MSAH

Quorum – Yes; 2/3 votes – 7; Majority Vote – 6; Total voting – 10.

The rules of the General Assembly were read by Monica Case, CMA (AAMA)

Rita Neeley, CMA (AAMA) presented the official program for the conference and there were no objections. The adoption of the agenda was presented by Monica Case, CMA (AAMA).

The report of Registration was presented by Rita Neeley, CMA (AAMA). There was a total of 15 people registered with 12 people attending on Friday and 14 attending on Saturday.

Parliamentarian is Carol Clapp, CMA (AAMA), CPC

Timekeeper is Carol Brown, CMA (AAMA)

The Tellers are Leanne Croteau, CMA (AAMA), EMT-P (Chief Teller), Sandra Laws, CMA (AAMA) Maria Mayorga, CMA (AAMA)

The Pages are Danielle Stevens, CMA (AAMA) and Candie Furches, RMA

REPORTS OF THE OFFICERS Reports of all officers were presented at the Preconvention Conference Meeting on April 28, 2017.

The Budget and Finance report of the proposed budget for 2017 – 2018 was presented by Carol Clapp, CMA (AAMA), CPC. There was a recommendation by the Board to accept the budget for 2017 – 2018 and was approved by voting members.

Nominations for the delegates to the National Conference were made. Carol Clapp, CMA (AAMA) was nominated by Dawn Alter, CMA (AAMA), AAS. Dawn Alter, CMA (AAMA), AAS was nominated by Carol Brown, CMA (AAMA). Sandra Laws, CMA (AAMA) was nominated by Rita Neeley, CMA (AAMA). The vote was taken. Dawn Alter, CMA (AAMA), AAS received 5 votes, Sandra Laws, CMA (AAMA) received 4 votes, and Carol Clapp CMA (AAMA), CPC received 1 vote.

The first delegate will be Carol Brown, CMA (AAMA), TSMA Vice President. The second Delegate will be Dawn Alter, CMA (AAMA), AAS. The first Alternate will be Carol Clapp, CMA (AAMA), CPC.

LeAnne Croteau, CMA (AAMA), EMT-P made a nomination to destroy the ballots. The motion was seconded by Karmon Kingsley, CMA (AAMA) MSAH. The motion was voted on, carried, and the ballots were destroyed.

Election of the Nominating Committee:

Carol Clapp, CMA (AAMA), CPC was nominated by Dawn Alter, CMA (AAMA), AAS, Sandra Laws, CMA (AAMA) was nominated by LeAnne Croteau, CMA (AAMA), EMT-P, Dawn Alter, CMA (AAMA), AAS was nominated by Monica Case, CMA (AAMA), Carol Brown, CMA (AAMA) nominated, Danielle Stevens, CMA (AAMA), and Carol Honeycutt nominated Karmon Kingsley, CMA (AAMA) MSAH.

After voting, the Nominating Committee is: Carol Clapp, CMA (AAMA), CPC – Chair, Dawn Alter, CMA (AAMA), AAS, and Sandra Laws, CMA (AAMA)

Upcoming meetings: The 2017 Fall Seminar will be hosted by the Chattanooga Chapter on October 21, 2017.

The 2018 TSMA Annual Conference will be hosted by the Cherokee Chapter.

The 2018 TSMA Fall Seminar will be hosted by the Northeast Chapter.


The TSMA has a new Facebook page. It can be found by searching TSMA Medical Assistants Tennessee.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:54 pm

Dawn Alter, CMA (AAMA), AAS Secretary