MAY 17, 2014

The General Assembly of the Tennessee Society of Medical Assistants was called to order by President Sandra Laws, CMA (AAMA) at 12:40 pm. The invocation was given by Patsy Wilson, CMA (AAMA).

The report of the Credentials Committee was given by

Quorum – Yes; 2/3 votes – 10; Majority Vote – 8; Total Voting – 14

The Rules of the General Assembly were not read

Karmon Kingsley, CMA (AAMA) presented the official program for the conference.

The adoption of the Agenda was presented by Patsy Wilson. A motion was made by Sandra Laws, CMA (AAMA) to accept the agenda and it was seconded by Rita Neeley, CMA (AAMA) and the Agenda was adopted.

Introductions of guests were made. Shalan Beasley, CMA (AAMA) was welcomed. Parliamentarian for the General Assembly will be Carol Clapp, CMA, (AAMA), CPC. Tellers will be Marsha Trent, CMA (AAMA) and Carol Honeycutt, CMA (AAMA).


Sandra Laws, CMA (AAMA) read her report, thanking the membership for allowing her to serve as President of the TSMA.

Vice President Monica Case, CMA (AAMA) read her report.

The Secretary’s report was given by Dawn Alter, CMA (AAMA). The minutes were approved as read.

The Treasurers report was given by Carol Brown, CMA (AAMA).

Previous Balance of Checking Account (10/12/2013) $6722.86

Deposits $3158.70

Expenses $3488.52

Interest Income $0000.00

Service Charges $0000.00

Ending Balance (5/10/2014) $6393.04

Certificate of Deposits

CD Savings 386494777 $10,102.46

Regular CD 38649801 $13,396.72

The Treasurers report will be filed for audit.

The Budget and Finance report of the proposed budget for 2013 – 2014 was given by Carol Brown, CMA (AAMA). There was a recommendation by the Board to accept the budget for 2013 – 2014 and was approved by voting members.

The Ways and Means report was given by Carol Brown, CMA (AAMA). As of the date of the report, there are 5 active Chapters and all dues are current for the year of 2013-2014.

Bylaws/Policy Handbook Chair, Carol Clapp, CMA (AAMA), CPC reported the policy handbook has been updated to comply with AAMA Bylaw changed from 2013 and is compliance with the AAMA.

The Communications Report was read by Monica Case, CMA (AAMA). The committee is in need of a complete list of each Chapter’s Officers names, including their contact information which would include email address. If chapters would like their meeting dates, committee chair or any other information added to the website, please email it to Monica in the form of a word document, font type Arial, font size 10.

The Historian report was given by Sandra Laws, CMA (AAMA).

The Membership/Certification Committee report was given by Karmon Kingsley, CMA (AAMA) BS.

The report of the Parliamentarian was given by Carol Clapp, CMA (AAMA), and CPC.

Nominating Committee. Rita Neeley gave a verbal report. Dawn Alter, CMA (AAMA) was nominated for Secretary. A motion to accept the nomination was made and there were no objections.

Nominations for the Delegates to the National Conference were made at this time. The first delegate will be Sandra Laws, CMA (AAMA), TSMA President. The second delegate will be Monica Case, CMA (AAMA), Vice President.

Meeting adjourned at 2:04 pm

Dawn Alter, CMA (AAMA) Secretary